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The Telecommunications Education Center
The largest conference and trade show for the Connectivity sector
Telecommunications Tower Antenna & Line Lead (TAL) is a supervised member of a crew performing antenna and line installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting activities on structures in accordance with IAW installation design drawings and/or written scopes of work (SOW). Work performed must comply with all applicable industry standards and best practices. The TAL is authorized to supervise Telecommunication Tower Apprentice/Telecommunication Tower Technician (TTA/TTT) level crew members during the On-Job-Learning (OJL). The TAL may not act as a Competent Person for antenna and line install during this phase of education/training unless deemed competent by the employer for SOW. The TAL assists the Telecommunications Tower Antenna & Line Foreman (TAF) with successful completion of the SOW and may be assigned crew leadership duties.
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