The Telecommunications Industry Registered Apprenticeship Program (TIRAP), which aims to promote safety, enhance quality, and enable education and advancement opportunities in the telecommunications workforce that will meet network infrastructure build out needs, is urging the entire wireless industry to actively participate in this week’s National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety & Health Administration is asking employers to set aside time during the week of May 2-6, 2016 to have an open discussion with their workers about falls and how to prevent them. According to OSHA, falls are the leading cause of death in the construction industry.
Last year’s OSHA National Safety Stand-Down was a tremendous success, reaching more than 2.5 million workers. This year, OSHA’s goal is to reach 5 million workers. Anyone who wants to prevent falls in the workplace can participate in the Stand-Down. In past years, participants included commercial construction companies of all sizes, residential construction contractors, sub- and independent contractors, highway construction companies, general industry employers, the U.S. Military, other government participants, unions, trade associations, institutes, worker interest organizations, and safety equipment manufacturers.
As part of National Safety Stand-Down week, OSHA has also developed a Fall Prevention Safety Stand-Down webpage that can be accessed on its website.
OSHA is also encouraging companies and workers to share their National Safety Stand-Down stories on social media utilizing the hashtag #StandDown4Safety